0414 560 800 utb@utb.go.ug
0414 560 800 utb@utb.go.ug


February 2021


Passionate Conservationists launch My Gorilla Family App

Uganda’s conservationists recently unveiled the My Gorilla Family App – a mobile based subscription application that enables users to join a gorilla family and contribute to saving the endangered species.

The technological inventiveness geared towards saving and protecting the rare mountain gorilla species, plus generate sustainable resources of non – trekking revenue sources to fund conservation efforts was announced during a hybrid launch event held at Skyz Hotel in Naguru, attended by notable conservationists, stakeholders and panelists including UTB CEO Lilly Ajarova. This shall be followed with the launch of a fete dubbed ‘’My Gorilla Festival’’ with local and international artistes performing on one stage in May this year.

Courtesy of Uganda Wildlife Authority in partnership with RoundBob and the Naturalists. Subscribers will pay $2 per month for an all access pass to the Bwindi/Mgahinga Conservation Areas, home to more than 50% of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas; keep an eye on their daily excursions, family migrations, celebrate their birthdays and new births, and  receive notifications from the rangers.

Lily Ajarova, UTB CEO – commended the initiative, saying, “Uganda is absolutely ready for an application and a festival like this. It is time for the world to come and see how much more Uganda has to offer.”

Sam Mwandha, ED, Uganda Wildlife Authority noted, “UWA is mandated to ensure sustainable management of wildlife resources. We are proud to work with our partners to ensure this, but also to educate local communities and people from all over the world about the value of protecting these majestic animals, and keep them for future generations.”

My Gorilla Family App is available for Android on the Google PlayStore.  

#MYGORILLAFAMILYAPP – NEWS LETTER Passionate Conservationists launch My Gorilla Family App Uganda’s conservationists recently unveiled the My Gorilla Family App – a mobile based subscription application that enables users to join a gorilla family and contribute to saving the endangered species. The technological inventiveness geared towards saving and protecting the rare mountain gorilla species, plus generate sustainable...
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