041 4342196 utb@utb.go.ug
041 4342196 utb@utb.go.ug


Exciting Career: Chief Executive Officer Job at UTB

Uganda Tourism Board (UTB), is a statutory organization established by Uganda Tourism Board Statute of 1994 and reconstituted in the Tourism Act 2008 with the following Statutory Objectives:
a)To promote and contribute to the Development of the Tourism sector both within and outside of Uganda.
b) To coordinate with the Ministry responsible for Tourism and the private sector in the implementation of the National Tourism policy.
c)To carry out any other activities as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the two objectives specified above.


The centre of excellence in destination management in Africa.


To sustainably promote Uganda as a competitive tourism destination for inclusive development. 

Core Values

  • Professionalism
  • Innovativeness
  • Team Work
  • Integrity
  • Sustaibability

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